REALTORS: 4 Creative Strategies to Attract More Listings - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

REALTORS: 4 Creative Strategies to Attract More Listings

Tom Ferry shares out-of-the-box ways to stand out and generate more business

Everybody wants more listings. But how do you get them? In today’s Coaching Corner, I’m revealing four creative strategies to attract more listings – but that’s not all. This post was originally part of a four-part series on innovative listing strategies that spanned everything from sticky notes to Instagram Live videos and polls. At the end of this article, I’ll share links to the three previous episodes so you can access all 16 listing strategies! Now’s the time to create your 2019 business plan. To make things easy, download our Business Plan Bundle for free today! Listing attraction system 1: agent-to-agent referrals Everyone loves referrals from other agents. But for many agents, getting a referral from an out-of-town agent is more a matter of coincidence than the result of any concerted effort. It doesn’t have to be that way. We have agents in our ecosystem who have mastered agent-to-agent referrals as a fully sustainable method of generating business. (And now the introduction of The Smartest Referral Network within The HUB makes it easier than ever … but that’s another story for another day.) The key is being intentional about it rather than simply waiting for a lead to fall in your lap. If you’re in the U.S., start by visiting, where you can access information about where people from your area move to, as well as which cities feed relo business to your town. Then figure out who you know in those markets and/or connect with agents in those markets and maintain contact through a specialized “referral agent” bucket in your CRM. Ask yourself how you can deliver value to that group in order to build stronger relationships and maintain top-of-mind awareness. One idea Chris Heller recently shared with me was sending a “Top 10 takeaways” note to all his referral contacts anytime he attended an educational real estate event. Listing attraction system 2: create a senior seminar This approach requires empathy, patience and complete dedication on your part. But if you feel it’s right for you, I believe it can provide a tremendous opportunity. Consider conducting a small seminar geared toward seniors called “Big to Small House: Downsizing Strategies.” Your title rep can help you identify people who have owned their home for 30+ years, and you can then market to them to invite them to your event. When they attend, you’ll have the opportunity to educate them on common mistakes people make, tips for downsizing and to bring them up to speed about a process they might not have experienced for many years. If you choose to go down this route, lean in, slow down and serve from the heart. Make the most of your daily schedule with our Time Management Tool Kit! Download it now! Listing attraction system 3: online leads / sellers in disguise When you get an online lead inquiring about a property, are you missing an important question before working with them? (Download our Online Lead Follow-Up Dialogue in the free Fearless Follow-Up bundle!) You tell me. Here’s that question: Do you have a home to sell before you buy this one? When they say “Yes,” suddenly you have a new listing lead. With 65 percent of buyers having a home to sell prior to buying, it’s essential you ask this simple question every single time. Listing attraction system 4: radio ads Marketing can be cyclical. A tactic that has fallen out of fashion can actually become a great opportunity, precisely because no one else is doing it anymore. That’s where radio ads come in. I’m not telling you to go out and sign a year-long contract with your local radio station, but I am encouraging you to explore conducting a short-term test to see if radio is a viable, affordable method to attract business in your marketplace. Quick spots following the script below might generate some leads and differentiate you as the only real estate professional doing radio spots in your market. “Selling your home? Looking for the highest price and fast, efficient service?” Then just give your name, company, contact number and some “social proof” consisting of five-star reviews on Google or Zillow. I hope you give some of these strategies a chance. Here are links to three additional shows, each with four more listing attraction systems: Source:

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